As the summer temperatures start soaring, it’s a common problem to feel the unbearable heat on your second floor. We’ve all been there! It can be frustrating to find your upper floor uncomfortably hot despite having central air conditioning. But don’t worry, you’re not alone and there are ways to tackle this issue. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips to help regulate the temperature on your second floor and keep your family cool and comfortable as the temperatures rise.

Check Your Thermostat:

The first thing you should do is to check your thermostat settings. Most people tend to set their thermostats on the first floor or in the common areas of the house. This leaves the upper floor with inadequate cooling and increased temperature. Ensure that your thermostat is installed on your upper floor and set it at a temperature that cools both levels of your home. You may also consider setting up a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature according to your family’s schedule.

Install Ceiling Fans:

While central air conditioning is essential, it may not be enough to cool the second floor during the hottest days. Installing ceiling fans is an effective way to circulate the air and create a comfortable breeze in the room. Ceiling fans help to bring down the temperature by making you feel seven degrees cooler. You can even set the blades to rotate clockwise, which helps push the warm air down during the winter months.

Use Window Treatments:

Make use of window treatments to reduce the amount of sunlight and heat that enters your home. Installing blackout curtains or shades can block as much as 99% of sunlight and heat from entering your home. This can help keep the upstairs bedrooms cooler during the daytime, especially when the sun is directly overhead.

Insulate Your Home:

If your home is poorly insulated, it can lead to increased heat transfer between the two levels of your home. Insulating your home can help regulate the temperature and minimize the heat that enters your upstairs area. You can start by adding weather stripping to doors and windows and sealing any gaps where warm air may enter your home.

Consider Upgrading Your Cooling System:

If the problem persists despite trying the above solutions, consider upgrading your air conditioning system. Your current unit may not be able to keep up with the demand for cooling your upstairs in the scorching summer heat. A high-efficiency cooling system can help distribute cool air more evenly through each room and regulate temperature fluctuations.

We hope that you found these tips helpful in regulating the temperature on your second floor. Remember, a hot second floor is a common issue, but there are effective solutions to make your home more comfortable during the summer months. At Steve Patrick Air, we’re always here to help with all your air conditioning needs. Whether you need maintenance, repairs, or installations, we’re your go-to professionals for all things HVAC. Call us at 559-224-1729 today!

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