Summer is the perfect time to go on a vacation and enjoy the sun, sand, and sea. As a homeowner, you have to prepare your home before you leave. One of the critical aspects of that preparation is to decide whether to turn off your central A/C or leave it running while you’re away. This decision is often a dilemma for vacationers, and rightly so. You don’t want to come back to a stuffy, hot home, but leaving your A/C running can result in a hefty utility bill. Luckily, Steve Patrick Air is here to help. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the factors that will help you decide whether to turn off your A/C or leave it running during your vacation.

Consider the state of your home:

One of the factors to consider before deciding whether to turn your A/C off or leave it running during your vacation is the present condition of your home. For instance, if you’re leaving for a short while, say two or three days, and the weather isn’t too humid, you might want to turn off your A/C. On the other hand, if you’re leaving for an extended period, say ten or more days, you might want to lower your thermostat to around 78 degrees, so the A/C doesn’t have to work too hard to keep your home cool. Also, if your home has tall windows and lacks proper insulation, you may want to keep your A/C running to prevent the moist air from settling inside your home and causing mold and mildew.

Think about your utility bill:

Turning off your A/C while you’re away can save you money on your utility bill. However, it might not be the best move financially in some cases, especially if you’re turning it off for a short period. When you turn off your A/C, your home becomes unbearably hot and unlivable, and when you come back, it’ll take time and a lot of energy for your A/C to get the temperature back to a comfortable level. This will increase the amount of energy your A/C consumes and, consequently, increase your utility bill.

The benefits of remote access:

If you have a smart thermostat with remote access features, you don’t have to worry about turning off your A/C when you leave for a vacation. All you need to do is to set the temperature to a slightly higher level, say 80 degrees, and then set a schedule for when you’ll be back home. The smart thermostat will take care of the rest and start cooling your home a few hours before you’re due to arrive. This option saves you time and gives you peace of mind.

Consider your pets:

If you’re leaving your pets in your home, turn on your A/C at a comfortable temperature so they won’t overheat. You can also install a smart thermostat with remote access to help you regulate the temperature in your home while you’re gone. This way, your pets will remain comfortable, and you won’t have to worry about their safety.

Seek professional guidance:

If you’re still unsure whether to turn off your A/C or leave it running during your vacation, seek professional guidance from a reputable HVAC service provider. They’ll help you analyze your home’s state and recommend the best option for your unique situation. You can also ask them to perform routine maintenance, checking for leaks and other issues that may affect the efficiency of your A/C while you’re away.

Before deciding whether to turn off your central A/C or keep it running while you’re on vacation, consider the state of your home, your utility bill, remote access, your pets, and professional guidance. You can also call Steve Patrick Air at 559-224-1729 for all your A/C service needs, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs, and ask for guidance on your A/C during your vacation. With these tips, you’ll be able to make an informed decision that will keep your home comfortable and your bank account healthy.

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