During the hot Fresno summers, there is nothing more refreshing than walking into your home and feeling the cool, crisp air from your air conditioning system. However, what happens when your AC system stops blowing cold air? Suddenly, the comfort of your home is no longer as welcoming. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top reasons why your AC system is not blowing cold air, and offer tips to keep your system healthy and your investment protected.

Dirty filters:

The most common reason why your AC system is not blowing cold air is due to dirty filters. Filters trap dirt, dust and other debris that can build up over time, eventually restricting the airflow and reducing the cooling efficiency. It is important to change your filters every 1-3 months, depending on the level of use, to maintain a steady flow of cold air.

Low refrigerant levels:

The refrigerant in your AC system plays a crucial role in cooling your home. If the refrigerant levels are low, your AC system will not be able to create enough cold air to maintain a comfortable temperature. Low refrigerant levels can be caused by leaks in the system, which needs to be fixed by a professional HVAC technician.

Faulty compressor:

The compressor is responsible for pressurizing the refrigerant in your AC system, allowing it to absorb heat from inside your home and release it outside. A faulty compressor will not be able to perform this function, resulting in a lack of cold air. This issue requires the attention of a trained HVAC technician, as it involves electrical and mechanical components.

Dirty coils:

The evaporator and condenser coils in your AC system can become dirty over time, resulting in reduced efficiency and a lack of cold air. Dirty coils can cause the system to freeze up, resulting in a complete shutdown. It is recommended that you have your system cleaned by an HVAC professional at least once a year to prevent this issue.

Aging system:

As with any appliance, your AC system will eventually reach the end of its life cycle. If your system is more than 10-15 years old, it may be time for a replacement. An aging system is often the result of reduced efficiency and a lack of cold air, which can lead to costly repairs and high energy bills.

In conclusion, a lack of cold air from your AC system can be caused by a variety of issues, ranging from simple filter replacements to more complex electrical and mechanical problems. It is important to keep your system healthy by performing regular maintenance, such as changing filters and cleaning coils, and investing in an HVAC maintenance plan. If you are experiencing a lack of cold air from your AC system, it is always best to seek the advice of a trained HVAC professional to diagnose and solve the issue. Don’t let a lack of cold air ruin your summer comfort – take care of your AC system and keep it blowing cold air for years to come!

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