If you own a furnace, you know how important it is to keep it in good working order. It’s not something to take lightly because a faulty furnace can be dangerous, not to mention costly to repair or replace. The question on most people’s minds is how often should they get their furnace inspected? In this post, we’ll explore the answer to that question and provide additional information about furnace maintenance that you need to know.

Before we dive into how often you should get your furnace inspected, let’s quickly review what a furnace inspection entails. A professional furnace inspection involves a comprehensive check of your furnace’s internal parts, including the burner, heat exchanger, vents and ducts, blower motor and belts, gas valve and pressure, and thermostat. They also inspect the filter, which should be replaced regularly.

The industry standard recommends that you have a furnace inspection once per year at a minimum. Doing so will ensure that your furnace is running safely, efficiently, and properly. Additionally, having an annual furnace check-up can extend the lifespan of your unit by catching minor issues before they become major problems.

If you’re one of the many homeowners who only use their furnace once in a while during the colder months, it’s easy to think that you don’t need an annual inspection. But the truth is, even if you aren’t using your furnace often, dust and debris can still build up within the unit over time, causing issues such as carbon monoxide leaks or malfunctioning parts.

It’s also important to note that some manufacturers void their warranty if the furnace has not been regularly serviced by a professional. So, even if you’re not experiencing any issues with your furnace, an annual inspection is still essential to keep your warranty valid.

If you’re still unsure about how often you should get your furnace inspected, consider factors like the age of your furnace, how often it’s used, and whether it’s caused any issues in the past. Furnaces that are 10 years or older are more likely to have issues and may require more frequent inspections. If you’ve had problems in the past or even if you’ve made significant repairs to the unit within the last year, you may want to have it inspected more frequently.

Don’t take chances with your furnace’s maintenance. With the proper care and attention, a furnace can last for many years, saving you money and providing a comfortable environment for your family. Your best bet is to schedule an annual inspection with a licensed furnace professional who can give your furnace a clean bill of health. Stay warm, safe, and stress-free all winter long with a properly maintained furnace.

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