There’s nothing worse than coming home on a cold winter day and discovering that your furnace has gone out. Suddenly, you’re left frigid and without heating. It’s a stressful situation that nobody wants to be in. Fortunately, there are ways you can stay warm until your furnace is fixed. In this blog post, we’ll cover seven ways you can keep warm when your furnace goes out.

Layer Up:

Layering is one of the best ways to stay warm when your furnace goes out. Start by putting on a thick pair of socks and layering your clothing. Adding a woolen sweater and a scarf will help trap the heat and keep you warm. Don’t forget to wear a hat to keep your head and ears warm.

Use Space Heaters:

Invest in some space heaters if you don’t have them already. Although they aren’t as powerful as a furnace, they can help keep a small room warm. Make sure to keep the heater away from anything that could catch on fire, and never leave a space heater unattended.

Use Your Oven:

If your furnace isn’t working, your oven can help warm up your home. Start by preheating the oven, then leave the oven door open, and let the heat circulate throughout the house. However, keep in mind that this is not a long-term solution and can be dangerous if left unattended.

Hot Water Bottle:

A hot water bottle can help keep you warm and comfortable. Fill the bottle with hot water, wrap it in a towel, and place it next to you. This is an excellent alternative to using an electric blanket and can help you fall asleep quickly.

Use Curtains Effectively:

Close your curtains to keep the heat inside the room. You can also use draft stoppers to keep the cold air from coming into your room. This will help keep your room warm and comfortable, and you won’t waste as much heat.

Insulate Your Home:

Make sure your home is properly insulated. This will help keep the heat inside your home, resulting in lower heating bills and a more comfortable home. You can insulate your windows and doors with weather stripping or insulation kits.

Call A Professional:

If your furnace has gone out and you can’t seem to fix it, it’s time to call a professional. At Steve Patrick Air, we have an experienced team of technicians who know how to fix any furnace problem. We offer a fast and reliable service that will get your furnace up and running in no time. Call us today at 559-224-1729

Losing your furnace in the middle of winter can be a nightmare. However, there are ways to stay warm until your furnace is fixed. Layering up, using space heaters, using your oven, hot water bottles, curtains insulation, and calling a professional can help keep you warm. If your furnace goes out, don’t panic! Follow these tips to stay warm and comfortable until it’s fixed.

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