Summer heat can be uncomfortable and unbearable, which is why air conditioning has become a necessity rather than a luxury. But, did you know that there are myths about air conditioning that have been misleading homeowners and consumers alike for years? These myths have led people to make bad decisions when it comes to their HVAC units, costing them money and even leading to problems in their homes. In this blog post, we will debunk 11 air conditioning myths that are costing you money and help you understand how to properly maintain your HVAC unit.

Myth 1: “Lowering the thermostat cools your home faster”
Lowering the thermostat does not make your home cooler faster unless you have a variable-speed air conditioning system. Instead, it will make your compressor work longer and harder, costing you more money in the long run.

Myth 2: “Lowering the thermostat can cause hypothermia”
Hypothermia can only occur when your body temperature drops below 95°F. Unless your AC is set below 60°F, it is unlikely that you will get hypothermia.

Myth 3: “Bigger AC units are better than smaller units”
Bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to air conditioning units. An oversized AC unit will cool your home quickly but not effectively, which means it will consume more energy and increase your electricity bills.

Myth 4: “Closing vents will save you energy and money”
Closing vents will not save you money or energy. Instead, it will make your AC unit work harder and reduce its lifespan. The best way to save energy and money is by maintaining a constant temperature.

Myth 5: “It is cheaper to leave your AC on all day rather than turning it off when you leave.”
It is actually cheaper to turn off your air conditioning system when you leave the house. Keeping it on all day means that your AC unit will have to work harder, consume more energy, and lead to higher costs for you.

Myth 6: “You only need to change your filter when it’s dirty.”
Air filters should be changed or cleaned every month, especially during the summer months. Dirty filters can reduce your AC units’ efficiency, making it work harder to cool your house.

Myth 7: “Ceiling fans will cool your room faster”
Ceiling fans don’t cool a room but rather move the air in the room, making it feel cooler. However, running a fan when no one is in the room does not make sense, as it only uses energy without any noticeable effect.

Myth 8: “It is unnecessary to service your AC unit annually”
AC units need to be serviced annually to maintain their efficiency. Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs and ensure your AC unit lasts longer.

Myth 9: “A higher SEER rating means a more efficient AC unit”
SEER ratings do affect the efficiency of your HVAC unit, but a higher SEER rating does not mean a more efficient HVAC unit. What matters is the size of the unit compared to your home’s size, the unit installation, and the overall ductwork.

Myth 10: “It is unnecessary to seal your home’s ductwork”
Sealing ductwork can lead to significant savings in energy bills and help maintain your home’s airflow. Unsealed ductwork can cause loss of air and energy.

Myth 11: “Regularly cleaning your coils is unnecessary”
Regularly cleaning your coils is essential, even during the summer months. Dirty coils can reduce the efficiency of your AC unit, leading to higher energy bills and reducing your unit’s lifespan.

It is important to understand the myths and misconceptions about air conditioning to make well-informed decisions when it comes to using and maintaining your HVAC unit. By following the tips above and maintaining a proper temperature, changing filters regularly, and scheduling annual maintenance, you can save money and ensure the longevity of your AC unit. Keep these tips in mind, and enjoy the comfort of cool air without breaking the bank. If you have any questions or concerns about your AC unit, contact Steve Patrick Air for expert advice and service.

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