With summer heating up, Fresno residents rely on their air conditioning to ward off the intense heat. But what if you switch on your AC unit and hear it humming, yet the fan remains still, leaving you sweating in the heat? A non-spinning AC fan is a common problem for many homeowners.

The AC fan plays a crucial role in facilitating cold air circulation by drawing the warm air from your home over the evaporator coil. It works in tandem with the compressor to circulate cold air back into your home. Therefore, a non-spinning AC fan indicates a system malfunction that calls for repair or replacement by a professional service like Steve Patrick Air. In this blog, we’ll discuss the possible causes of a non-spinning AC fan and why it’s essential to address the issue right away.

Dirty Air Filter:

The air filter in your AC unit keeps dust and dirt from entering your cooling system. Over time, however, the filter becomes clogged, causing the AC fan to work harder to circulate air. When your AC fan doesn’t spin, check your filter, and clean or replace it if necessary. A dirty filter not only affects your fan motor by causing it to overheat, but it can also lower the quality of air you breathe.

Failed Motor Capacitor:

Another common cause of a non-spinning AC fan is a faulty motor capacitor. This component works like a battery and provides the motor with the power it needs to start and continue running. When it fails, the fan motor will not spin. Signs of a failed motor capacitor include the fan not starting, unusual sounds coming from the unit, and a smell of burnt rubber. A qualified technician should replace the capacitor to ensure that the system runs smoothly.

Frozen Evaporator Coils:

A frozen evaporator coil can result in restricted airflow through the unit, which can cause the fan to stop spinning. Clogged air filters or a lack of refrigerant can lead to frozen evaporator coils. If you notice frost or ice built upon the coil or see low airflow through the vents, contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs.

A non-spinning AC fan is a problem that requires immediate attention. Ignoring it can cause further damage to your AC unit and lead to costly repairs down the road. By calling Steve Patrick Air, you can depend on our team of reliable professionals to identify the issue, provide a solution, and ensure that your home stays cool all summer long. Remember to schedule regular maintenance for your AC unit to prevent future malfunctions. Call 559-224-1729 for any AC repairs or replacements.

Solving uneven cooling issues in your home is essential for maintaining comfort and healthy indoor air quality. With these five remedies, you can ensure that your HVAC system functions efficiently and that even cooling is maintained in every area of your home. Whether you need to replace your AC unit, clean your ductwork, add insulation, install zone cooling, or regular filter changes, Steve Patrick Air has the expertise and equipment to provide the help you need. Contact us today at 559-224-1729 and let us help you achieve optimal comfort in your home!

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